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Discover the essence of the CO2-DISSOLVED technology in this short (2min20') explanatory videoEnglish version French version


Mardis de la Science : Et si stocker le CO2 industriel permettait aussi de chauffer nos maisons ?Le 30 mars 2021 - En ligne Une conférence de Christophe Kervévan dans le cadre du projet GeoCO2 présentée par Centre·Sciences le...


"Modellingwater-rock interactions due to long-term cooled-brine reinjection in the Dogger carbonate aquifer (Paris basin) based on in-situ geothermal well data"Authors:  Nicolas C.M. Marty; Virginie Hamm; Christelle Castillo;...


If you missed the online conference held Friday, June 19, 2020, you can watch the video below!IFP School's CO2 Ambitions first Zoom conference!“CO2 DISSOLVED: A New CCS Approach dedicated to small industrial CO2 emitters”, by...


 A CO2-DISSOLVED article was published in 'The Conversation' on 05 december as the COP negotions got fully underway amid the slogan "Time for action"The article, accessible to a wide audience, presents the CO2-DISSOLVED...


Symposium: "Geological storage of gas (CO2- H2- CH4): processes and site monitoring" (in French)Date and Place: 13-14 November 2019, Saint Emilion, France. The aim is to take stock of progress in terms of research,...


 On the 12-13 October 2019, CNRS opened its doors to welcome the public to discover a wide range of science exhibits. BRGM, the French Geological Survey and initiator and leader of CO2-DISSOLVED, manned a stand presenting the CO2 utilisation...


Two CO2-DISSOLVED publications in the Carbon Capture Journal  Issue68: CCUS in the U.SPi-CO2: Cost-Efficient Aqueous Carbon Capture  Issue 69: CCUS in EuropeCO2-DISSOLVED: combining CO2 geological storage with geothermal...


The main aim of the project CO2-DISSOLVED_INJECTION is to carry out CO2 injection tests in an old geothermal doublet. Running from October 2018 until March 2020, the objective is to prepare and implement, for the first time, a series of...


   GEOCO2 "Coupler géothermie et stockage de CO2 : évaluation du potentiel en région Centre-Val de Loire "Financé par la Région Centre - Val de Loire, ce projet vise à effectuer une évaluation du potentiel réel de mise...
