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Members of the CO2-DISSOLVED team from LEO (The Orléans Economics Laboratory) have written a chapter in "Cutting-Edge Technology for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage", published in April 2018.The chapter is entitled...


The SGF (Société Géologique de France) magazine 'Géologues' no. 196, published in March 2018, is dedicated to Underground Storage. It features an article (in French) on CO2-Dissolved "Coupler stockage du CO2 dissous et Géothermie...


Unveiling of the Pi-CO2 capture prototype intalled at BRGM's pilot experimental hall, 20 March 2018 The Pi-CO2 prototype is a milestone towardsdevelopment of a full Pi-CO2 capture system,particularly well suited to...


          The Pi-CO2 capture prototype, shipped from Florida USA,  has safely arrived at BRGM FranceAfter testing, fine-tuning and validation in Florida USA, the Pi-CO2 prototype...


The main results of the CO2-DISSOLVED project are presented in a two-page article in the 2015 edition of the BRGM annual report. In the "Geological Storage" chapter, our project is highlighted as a 'flagship project' developing an...


Soon after the press release announcing the end of the CO2-DISSOLVED project and the ATEE conference, contacts were made between journalists and Christophe Kervévan (BRGM), coordinator of the CO2-DISSOLVED project,. Following these interviews,...


ATEE Centre-Val de Loire (Technical Association for Energy and Environment)  organized a workshop dedicated to the coupling between CCS and geothermal and biomass energy recovery. The venue was the BRGM scientific and technical center in...


The BRGM published on March 29th a press release summarizing the main results of the CO2-DISSOLVED project and announcing the forthcoming ATEE Conference. This text is available on the BRGM website and can be downloaded here. 


The objective of this on-site experiment was to quantify the geochemical impact on the Dogger aquifer (limestone) of the continuous reinjection of a cooled brine (40°C) over a typical time frame of  20 to 30 years. For that purpose, we...


 This 5th plenary meeting took place in Orléans, at the BRGM scientific and technical center on March 21st and 22nd. As being the closure meeting of the project (scheduled to end by April 30th), this meeting was mainly devoted to presenting a...
