All the news


The full paper can be downloaded here.


The four abstracts submitted by the CO2-DISSOLVED team were all accepted: two of them for an oral presentation and two of them for poster presentation at the12th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-12), to be held...

CO2 GeoNet, The European Network of Excellence on the Geological Storage of CO2

Christophe Kervévan, the CO2-DISSOLVED project coordinator, was invited to make a presentation of the project at the next  CO2GeoNet Open Forum (20-22 May 2014), to be held at San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy. CO2GeoNet is the European Network...


The assembling of the three main parts of the MIRAGES-2 experimental facility (the CO2-water mixing device, the set of injection pumps, and the small-scale "well") is now finished. Each part of the system was succesfully tested...


The CO2-DISSOLVED website is online since March 20th. A reference to this website has been added to both the French and the English versions of the BRGM institutional website.

A view of the MIRAGES-2 experimental facility

The assembling of the  MIRAGES-2 experimental facility has just started. All was designed from scratch  by the Georessources team in Nancy. First test experiments are planned to be performed in March so that the facility is available for...

Second plenary meeting of the CO2-DISSOLVED project (Paris, France)

This meeting was the second plenary meeting of the CO2-DISSOLVED project. It was held in Paris, at the BRGM headquarters, on November 7th. The main objective was to give to all the partners and to the ANR an overview of the first results of the...

SES 2013 Conference, Pau, France

The Second Sustainable Earth Sciences (SES) Conference and Exhibition was held in Pau,France, from 30 September - 4 October 2013. SES 2013 is organised by the EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers) in...


This meeting was the launch meeting of the CO2-DISSOLVED project. As being the first plenary meeting, the main objective was to give to all the partners and to the ANR an overview of the project content and some details on the tasks in each work...
